2014 AZGRC Calendar - November
Rescued February 2011
Skin allergies in dogs occur for so many different reasons and it’s not easy to determine the cause, let alone the cure. Sometimes the problem goes away in a few months and sometimes it becomes chronic. In the meantime, the dog can be pretty miserable with constant itching, sores, and hair loss. Sometimes, it’s the reason a dog is abandoned.
No one will ever know for sure if that’s what happened to Cassie. But one thing was for sure; Cassie had skin problems that needed medical attention. She also needed a family who would be willing to take on the challenge of getting Cassie healthy again. Arizona Golden Retriever Connection found that family when Neal and Barbara, a retired couple with another rescue Golden, opened their home to Cassie.
In addition to using the medication prescribed by Cassie’s vet, Neal and Barbara worked with AZGRC in determining the best kind of diet for a dog with potential allergy issues. Within a couple of months, Cassie had stopped itching and her hair began growing back. Cassie, being a young Golden, was not above causing lots of mischief for her foster parents. In her first few weeks, she ate plants and a wicker basket in the backyard; chewed on her bed; and acted like a sled dog when on a leash. In spite of these antics, or perhaps because of them, Cassie made a place in Neal and Barbara’s hearts. Yes, Cassie had found her forever home!
Today when Cassie is not playing with Kobee, her canine sibling, Cassie loves having her picture taken and thoroughly enjoyed posing for the AZGRC photographers. “Miss November 2014” would look at the camera, perk up her ears and smile! Of course, what else would you expect from such a beautiful Calendar girl!
Friday, October 31, 2014
2014 AZGRC Calendar - November
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Camping and Traveling with Your Furry Friends
you are going on a hike, camping, or road trip with your dog, you need to be
prepared. Here are some things to remember:
protection (heat or snow) protective boots are needed
of water and food, do not let your dog drink from lakes or streams-prevent
heatstroke http://www.vetmedaz.com/2014/07/15/heat-stroke-risk-for-pets/
or tick preventative
-collar and tags
-easy access to your dogs vaccination/medical records
your dog on a leash, watch for rattlesnakes! http://www.vetmedaz.com/2014/07/15/heat-stroke-risk-for-pets/
remember to have a first aid kit with you.
Absorbent gauze pads
Adhesive first aid tape
Antiseptic wipes, lotion, powder, or spray
Blanket (a foil emergency blanket)
Cotton balls or swabs
Gauze rolls
Hydrogen peroxide
o Hydrogen
peroxide can be used to induce vomiting; do this only when directed by a
veterinarian or a poison-control expert
Ice pack
Non-latex disposable gloves
Petroleum jelly (to lubricate the thermometer)
Rectal thermometer (your pet’s temperature should not rise above
103°F or fall below 100°F)
Scissors (with blunt ends)
Sterile saline solution to clean open wounds
Tweezers and comb to remove cactus thorns or burrs
Nail clippers
Plastic eyedropper or syringe
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for allergic reactions
o Check
with your veterinarian to make sure Benadryl is approved for your pet and
verify the appropriate dosage amount
Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) to clean the thermometer
Ear-cleaning solution
Glucose paste or corn syrup (for diabetic dogs or those with low
blood sugar)
Non-prescription antibiotic ointment
Small flashlight
Happy Road Trip!
For further information please go to : http://www.vetmedaz.com/2014/09/23/tips-for-hiking-and-camping-with-your-pet/
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Time to Check your Calendar- Don't Miss out on the FUN

1. Membership Renewal-
Please go to: http://www.azgrc.org/getInvolved/membership.html
We would love to see you again. 2015 will be an exciting year and we want you to be a part of it. We would like to thank you for your participation and ask for your continued support of
AZGRC by renewing your membership.
2. Order 2015 AZGRC Calendar- Go to
www.azgrc.org. AZGRC 2015 CALENDAR
Now Available
3. GOTCHA DAY- It's not too early to mark your calendar for Saturday, November 1st! That's the day when AZGRC members gather together to celebrate the wonderful four-legged members of our family!
It's a day of great fun, good friends, delicious food, awesome raffle baskets, boutique shopping, and games for four-legged and two-legged participants!
We will meet at Vista Del Camino Park, Ramada 3 from10:00AM to 1:00PM.
Please RSVP by October 29th by calling 602-870-0037 or emailing events@azgrc.org. Please use "Gotcha Day" as the subject line for the email. Be sure to include the number of people and pups attending.
For more details, watch your mail for the Gotcha Day postcard or check AZGRC's website at www.azgrc.org.
AZGRC will provide the food. Lawn chairs suggested.
Please bring dog or cat food to be donated to P.E.T. (Pets Eat Too) Pantry. For more information on P.E.T. Pantry visitwww.scottsdalepetpantry.org.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Gotcha Day is Coming Soon
It's not too early to mark your calendar for Saturday, November 1st! That's the day when AZGRC members gather together to celebrate the wonderful four-legged members of our family!
It's a day of great fun, good friends, delicious food, awesome raffle baskets, boutique shopping, and games for four-legged and two-legged participants!
We will meet at Vista Del Camino Park, Ramada 3 from10:00AM to 1:00PM.
Please RSVP by October 29th by calling 602-870-0037 or emailing events@azgrc.org. Please use "Gotcha Day" as the subject line for the email. Be sure to include the number of people and pups attending.
For more details, watch your mail for the Gotcha Day postcard or check AZGRC's website at www.azgrc.org.
AZGRC will provide the food. Lawn chairs suggested.
Please bring dog or cat food to be donated to P.E.T. (Pets Eat Too) Pantry. For more information on P.E.T. Pantry visitwww.scottsdalepetpantry.org.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Trick or Treat
Halloween can be a fun event for families and their pets.
However, if safety precautions are not taken, it can also be a hazardous time
for our four-legged companions. Here are some practical yet potentially life-saving tips that
can help protect your pets on Halloween.
1. Dangerous Pet Costumes
Never leave a pet unattended while wearing a costume. Small (or
large) parts of a costume can become chewed and ingested and can in turn
potentially lead to foreign body ingestion which can be life threatening to your
2. Halloween Decorations and Fire Hazards
If you like to decorate your home in the Halloween spirit, take
into consideration what you're putting on display and where the decorations
will be placed. Easy-to-reach decorations — or candles — can be eaten or
knocked over, potentially leading to choking, foreign body ingestion,
electrical shock and even burns and a household fire.
Err on the side of caution while decorating and choose pet-safe
3. Noise Affects Pets
Dogs and cats can become skittish and anxiety ridden on Halloween due to the incessant
ringing of the doorbell, constant squeals and chatter just outside the door,
and small fireworks set off in the street.
In addition, the barrage of strangers dressed in unfamiliar and
scary costumes can alarm some pets, increasing their anxiety. Take extra
precaution on Halloween: gauge your pet's typical reaction while greeting
visitors and decide if putting up a baby gate or leaving your dog or cat in a
back room of the house would keep them calmer throughout the evening.
4. Candy and Chocolate Are Toxic
Candy and chocolate are never good for dogs or cats and on
Halloween there is an increased chance that Fluffy and Fido may consume treats
meant for tricksters.
Lollipops and their sticks can be choking hazards and cause a
painful obstruction or foreign body ingestion that may require surgery to
Candies wrapped in plastic and other types of wrapping can also
lead to chocking or cause an obstruction and upset stomach.
5. Lost Pets
Halloween isn't an ideal time to let your dog or cat wander
outside unattended. While there aren't any documented reports or statistics to
indicate that pet abduction increases on Halloween, be mindful that a prankster
or a mean-spirited individual could be inspired to mess with your pet.
Take caution and keep pets indoors with you, or escort them
outside on a leash if you plan on including your pet in neighborhood
festivities. Sudden noises and strange-looking costumes can also spook your
pet, causing them to run away, therefore, it’s always a good idea to adorn your
pet with a collar and identification tags in case you become separated.
If you dog is not micro-chipped, make sure they have their collar and ID tags.
Please share what you do to keep your dog safe on Halloween!
Please share what you do to keep your dog safe on Halloween!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Meet Mr. October- Monty
Rescued February 2010
Upon Monty’s rescue from the local shelter, it quickly became apparent why his previous owners had abandoned him. Monty had a reflection obsessive compulsive disorder. Simply put, Monty was obsessed with light. Any shiny reflection made it impossible to focus. Monty could not eat out of a metal bowl if it reflected light; he could not be around anyone wearing a watch or shiny jewelry of any kind. Anything that caused a beam of light put Monty in a trance. He was so thin he was almost emaciated. This was a special young Golden that needed a very special family.
Several adopters came to meet Monty but could not get beyond the way Monty was easily distracted. When Monty’s foster mom first met Aaron and Christine, she was sure that Monty was in for another disappointment because Aaron wore a shiny prosthetic leg. Monty fooled his foster mom and immediately bonded with Aaron and Christine. Monty was sure this was his forever mom and dad!
Monty went home with his new parents and met his new older brother Sam, a seven-year-old Golden. Aaron, Christine and even Sam were very patient with Monty and helped him work through his OCD. Because of their love and care, Monty is now a beautiful happy Golden. Monty still deals with his sunbeam distraction, but only for a little bit in the morning and the rest of the day he is good. Monty’s favorite thing is a blanket that is named Wendella. When Monty is down or has done something naughty, he goes and gets Wendella and covers his head.
Monty’s life became even better when his mom and dad took in a puppy named Harlow. Monty LOVES his new baby sister and enjoys having a playmate closer to his age. For Monty, his family is all the sunshine he will ever need!
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