Sunday, October 16, 2016


AZGRC Members Only

gotcha day
Vista del Camino Park
7700 E. Roosevelt Street(West of Hayden and Roosevelt
Turn onto Pierce Street by the Salt Cellar Restaurant)
Scottsdale, AZ  85257

On Saturday, November 5th, plan on being at Vista Del Camino Park (Ramada 3)
in Scottsdale to re-connect with AZGRC Adopters, Fosters, Volunteers, Supporters, 
and of course our wonderful Goldens!
We will meet at Vista Del Camino Park, Ramada 3 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and 
AZGRC's annual meeting will be held at 12:30 PM.  All AZGRC members are invited to 
attend. AZGRC members will celebrate another anniversary of rescuing Goldens and 
you won’t want to miss this fun day of meeting old friends and making new
ones as we celebrate the wonderful Goldens in our lives.
There will be awesome raffle baskets, a delicious lunch, boutique shopping and games 
for our four legged kids.
AZGRC and our Goldens give back to our community so please bring dog or cat food to be
donated to P.E.T.(Pets Eat Too) Pantry located in Scottsdale. P.E.T. Pantry provides 
pet food and information to Vista del Camino clients to assist 
people in caring for their pets during times of financial crisis.

Please R.S.V.P. no later than November 1st by calling 602-870-0037 or  
Remember to use "Gotcha Day" as the subject line and be sure to include the number 
of 2 and 4 legged friends attending!
AZGRC will provide the food and fun!  Please bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on.
Look forward to seeing you there!!

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