Monday, August 11, 2014

Check the Chip Day August 15th

Hey!! Have you ever been lost and had to ask for directions? Well if we get lost.....we want to make sure that we get back to our home. We were  rescued and micro-chipped by AZGRC. If we get lost, the vet can scan us and find our owner. But wait...what if mom moves then what happens. Just like mom changes her address to get her mail, she also needs to notify the micro chip company that she has moved.  So lets make sure all of our friends can get back home. Here are some good ideas!  Next time you go to the vet, make sure you are scanned to see if the chip is there and working. 
August 15th is "Check the Chip Day". Here are some things your owner can do to make sure they can always find you if your lost. 

  • If your pet has a microchip, contact the microchip registry to verify that all of your contact information on file is current and accurate. 
  • If your pet has a microchip that has never been registered, get the paperwork squared away right away.
  • If your pet does not have a microchip, schedule an appointment with your vet or shelter to have one placed as soon as possible.
So...get your mom or dad to check your chip!! It is hot on the streets and you do not want to end up behind bars and lost!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will definitely be checking the chips on my dogs and cats